Wednesday, July 28, 2010


250 g of spaguetti, 1 tin of tuna Cuca, 1 tin of cockles in brine Cuca (keep the water), 1 tin of mussels in pickled sauce Cuca, 1 small cup of olive oil, 2 small cups of flour, 1 cup of fish stock, 1 bay leaf, half an onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 red pepper, 1 small tomato, salt, white pepper and finely chopped parsley.

. Chop up the onion and the pepper. Fry lightly

. Add the garlic finaly chopped and the tomato. When it is poached, add flour and stir frequently for 3 minutes

. Add little by little the fish stock and the water from the Cockles in brine. Keep on stirring.

. Add salt and pepper to taste

. Add the tuna, the cockles, the mussels and the bay leaf. Let it cook for 5 minutes

. Meanwhile, cook the spaguetti.

. Once cooked “al dente” and drained, put them in a big dish and add the sauce

. Serve with grated cheese and chopped egg

Note: if you want a softer sauce, you can use a mixer machine to obtain the texture desired